Friday, November 20, 2015

Back From the Dead, Hopefully

It's been a long time since my last blog post, as this blog has mostly been about running. The past 2+ years have not been very interesting from a running perspective. Since Colin was born, it's been an adjustment trying to get any type of training in, let alone racing. Work has been busy, except the 3 month layoff I had last winter, where I had numerous 90 mile weeks and had a lot of fun exploring the winter trails of the White Mountains. I signed up for the Leadville 100 at this time last year hoping that it would light a fire under my ass, but it really didn't. A DNF at 40 miles pretty much summed up how my running has been going.

At this point I'm back to where I was 2 years ago: at the highest weight in my life and no real goals. I would like to get back in shape and run some races, but always wondering if the hard work is really worth it. I've had some decent weeks of running here and there, and some glimpses of fitness, but they usually go away after a stressful work week and a bunch of zeroes.

Running at 4:30AM, giving up donuts, beer and coffee would go a long way to fixing my problems, but all I can think is "why bother?" every time I stuff my face or the alarm goes off. Maybe bitching about it on my blog will help.

A slightly more-fit me. Photo by Joe Viger

Future Tom Brady. Photo by Joe Viger


  1. I've always said there should be a "parent with a young kid" category in races. Life is just not the same when you have a little one in the house. I know some people manage to keep up the same intensity with their running, but I really think it means that for most of us, training and running is no longer/can no longer be the same as it used to be when weekends were free, etc. It can be a tough pill to swallow, but I've also found that running goes a long way for me in terms of keeping me sane as I chase around trying to keep five million balls in the air ;) Don't give up, but don't kick yourself too hard for not getting up for those 4:30 alarms all the time. They kind of suck sometimes ;) Oh, and never give up donuts! That is just a horrid idea!! Good to see you blogging again!

  2. What the hell is wrong with coffee?



  5. I'll just take all your CRs on Strava and set some news ones...

  6. Hey I'm Pist. I go to New Hampshire and I train with a native sister of yours, Leslie O'dell, and I fall off the dam mountain and break my neck because of tripped on her very long and very curly tail and no one warns me???

  7. I have a tail? Cool! Soooo...still waiting on the next blog post. :)
