PM: 8.0 miles in 58:09 on Potter Rd. w/ Double J. Solid run.
Tu- AM: 2.0 miles in 16:55 on Stritch Rd. Had to be to work early to give a presentation at the local high school.
PM: Aussie Quarters in 17:44 (3.0 miles). Decent workout. Still feels weird doing these on the road, but it's better than nothing. 3.4 wu, 1.1 cd.
W- AM: 3.2 miles in 26:28 on Stritch Rd.
PM: 0 Left work around 11:30 with a bad headache.
Th- AM: 8.2 miles in 1:13:01 on Bear Notch Rd. Nice easy climb. Felt good to run on snowmobile trails again, but they are pretty soft. 38:46 to the top.
PM: 5.4 miles in 43:05 on snowmobile trails and roads near King Pine w/ Double J. Not a bad run. Trails are getting in rough shape down that way.
F- AM: 3.2 miles in 26:55 on Stritch Rd. Nice and easy.
PM: 8.7 miles in 59:18 on the Stark Rd. Loop w/ Double J. Just cruising along. 5 strides after.
Sa- 13.1 miles in 1:25:06 on the old WMM half marathon course. 5 miles warm-up, then right into 8.1 miles of tempo running in 50:21 (6:08 pace). Solid workout. Not the fastest long tempo I have ever done, but a solid workout nonetheless.
Su- 8.0 miles in 1:29:37 on the Sidehill Trail up Peaked Mtn. Trails were half dirt and half snow and ice. Felt good to get on some dirt again. I was pretty wiped by the end of this one though.
Totals: 70.6 miles, 9.35 hours. Another solid week. Hip seems to be getting better. It would help if I could get onto the trails, but it's going to be at least a few weeks before that happens on a regular basis. 2 solid workouts and some decent mileage. This next week is going to be challenging with some work-related activites, but I'm commited to getting the runs in. Gotta be consistent. 11 weeks until Mt. Washington
Spring time in Crawford Notch