Sunday, March 31, 2013

Training Week 3/25-3/31

M- AM: 3.2 miles in 26:06 on Stritch Rd.
PM: 8.0 miles in 58:09 on Potter Rd. w/ Double J. Solid run.

Tu- AM: 2.0 miles in 16:55 on Stritch Rd. Had to be to work early to give a presentation at the local high school.
PM: Aussie Quarters in 17:44 (3.0 miles). Decent workout. Still feels weird doing these on the road, but it's better than nothing. 3.4 wu, 1.1 cd.

W- AM: 3.2 miles in 26:28 on Stritch Rd.
PM: 0 Left work around 11:30 with a bad headache.

Th- AM: 8.2 miles in 1:13:01 on Bear Notch Rd. Nice easy climb. Felt good to run on snowmobile trails again, but they are pretty soft. 38:46 to the top.
PM:  5.4 miles in 43:05 on snowmobile trails and roads near King Pine w/ Double J. Not a bad run. Trails are getting in rough shape down that way.

F- AM: 3.2 miles in 26:55 on Stritch Rd. Nice and easy.
PM: 8.7 miles in 59:18 on the Stark Rd. Loop w/ Double J. Just cruising along. 5 strides after.

Sa- 13.1 miles in 1:25:06 on the old WMM half marathon course. 5 miles warm-up, then right into 8.1 miles of tempo running in 50:21 (6:08 pace). Solid workout. Not the fastest long tempo I have ever done, but a solid workout nonetheless.

Su- 8.0 miles in 1:29:37 on the Sidehill Trail up Peaked Mtn. Trails were half dirt and half snow and ice. Felt good to get on some dirt again. I was pretty wiped by the end of this one though.

Totals: 70.6 miles, 9.35 hours. Another solid week. Hip seems to be getting better. It would help if I could get onto the  trails, but it's going to be at least a few weeks before that happens on a regular basis. 2 solid workouts and some decent mileage. This next week is going to be challenging with some work-related activites, but I'm commited to getting the runs in. Gotta be consistent. 11 weeks until Mt. Washington

Spring time in Crawford Notch

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Training Week 3/18-3/24

M- AM: 3.0 miles in 27:38 on the Saco Woods trails. Picked a great day to get back into morning runs. 7 degrees out. Brrr.
PM: 8.2 miles in 1:16:35 on the Freedom Town Forest Trails and Bald Ledge singletrack w/ Double J. Good day for MicroSpikes. 5 short strides after.

Tu- AM: 3.1 miles in 29:35 in Saco Woods and Stritch Rd. Trails were pretty slick with new snow over ice.
PM: 7.0 miles in 1:19:25 on Madison trails and roads in snowshoes with Double J. Broke trail for most of the run. DEEP snow.

W- AM: 3.2 miles in 26:44 on Stritch Rd.
PM: 8.6 miles in 1:04:15 on the Chocorua roads and snowmobile trails. Great run for the Oroc 280's. 5 strides after.

Th- AM: 3.3 miles in 24:55 on Stritch Rd. Did half an Aussie Quarters workout on the way back (1.5 miles in 9:30). 56 90 57 96 52 84 51 84. Ideally the 200's would be 45-50 seconds and the 400's would be 70-75. But that would be on a track and not on an icy dirt road. Just ran by feel.
PM: 8.7 miles in 57:41 on the Stark Rd. Loop w/ Double J. Ran steady. Jim blew my doors off in the last 2 miles. What's new. Tried one stride after, but my lower back was super stiff. Spending some time on the foam roller has helped.

F- AM: 2.0 miles in 16:51 on Stritch Rd. Had to be to work early so I only had time for 2 miles. 2 >0.
PM: 4.3 miles in 32:16 on Madison roads w/ Jim. Long day of field work and I was feeling it. Almost bonked. Hip/back was pretty sore too, so I called it short.

Sa- 10.9 miles in 1:16:07 on Potter Rd. (dirt, 6:59 pace). Ran a 30 second pick-up after every mile for the whole run to get some type of turnover. Solid run.

Su- 16.0 miles on the Kanc in 1:51:00 (6:56 pace). Solid run, but I ran out of gas the last 3 miles. Great day to be out though. Hip was ok.

Totals: 78.3 miles, 10.38 hours. Good week. Feels good to get back into a solid routine. My number one goal for the week was to get in a run every week day morning. I find it easier to get in 80 miles in a week than 50 if I know I have to do 2 runs every weekday to do it. The runs weren't too hard to fit in this week either. The "workouts" weren't pretty, but I was just looking for a way to get moving a little without overdoing it while I jacked up the mileage. Just gotta stay consistent. 12 weeks until Mt. Washington.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Training Week 3/11-3/17: Gotta Start Somewhere

Finishing up at the Granite State Snowshoe Championships last Saturday, photo by Joe Viger

Time to start blogging and time to start training again. After having the flu I've managed to average about 50 miles a week for the previous 3 weeks. I didn't do any workouts, but managed to race at Snowshoe to the Clouds and the Granite State Snowshoe Championships, managing to get 2nd in both races. Now that I have some consistency under my belt, it's time to start thinking about ramping up for Mt. Washington.

M- 4.6 miles, 44:29 Moat Mtn. Trail snowshoe run w/ Double J. Was hoping to do a 10 mile loop over North Moat, but I wasn't feeling it. Just flat.

Tu- 0 I got as far as changing into my running clothes at work, but couldn't make myself go out the door. Lame.

W- 0 10+ hours of field work. Exhausted.

Th- 11.7 miles, 1:29:58 Madison to Maine road run w/ Double J. Holy hills Batman. Didn't feel great but I was happy to finally get a solid run in.

F- 6.0 miles, 1:02:23 Black Cap via Hurricane Mtn. Rd. Felt good to get out for a nice easy climb. Snowmobile trails were perfect for MicroSpikes. 35:19 up

Sa- 9.6 miles 1:41:22 Mineral Site snowshoe run. Felt better the longer I went. Got a little off track trying to follow the Tent Boulder Trail in the hemlock groves. Doesn't look like anyone has been out there all winter. Nice crust so you could run anywhere. Massage from Jean Brauel in the morning to work on my lower back/hip/glute.

Su- 8.4 miles total. 4 x Mile @ Half marathon effort, 3:00 recovery. 6:04 6:03 6:05 6:11. Not pretty, but I gotta start somewhere. Snowshoed 2 hours at Rob Brook w/ Jess after.

Totals: 40.3 miles, 5.99 hours. Good end to the week after a lazy start. I think I was a little worn out from the Granite State Snowshoe Championships last Saturday. 13 weeks until Mt. Washington.